Affilate Program Books320

Registration in the Books320 affiliate program
Entrance to the office

You must be registered in Premium and you must have purchased at least one set or one book for the possibility of demonstration on a tablet and computer. It is great if you also have a subscription to show any book that is interesting to the client.

The registration format should be according to our recommendation:
Login – your email
Password – your name

If you have already registered incorrectly (arbitrary login and password), write to Specify your registration data. We will make changes to your login and password manually. Your Account and Shelf will be saved.

Please read this page completely before registering.



Accrual of rewards/commissions.

A commission of 35% is accrued from any purchase if the client used a bonus-discount card with your individual number to receive a 10% discount.
Commissions are accrued from real money. That is, discounts will be deducted from the cost indicated on the site, including 10%, which you provide with your bonus-discount card number.

Payments of commissions.

You can withdraw money to your balance after accumulating a minimum commission amount of $10. Payment is made at your request. We will agree on a convenient method for you: withdrawal to a credit card or to the main balance. Payments are made manually and may take 48 hours.

Affiliate program duration.

If the partner has not brought in a single client within one year, the affiliate program is closed and the balance is reset.

Promotion, advertising of your bonus and discount card number.

Promotion, advertising of your card number is permitted by all legal means. The exception is contextual advertising, which must be agreed with books320.
Read the section "Affiliate programs" on the website

Feel free to ask those who already use your card number to pass this number on to their friends. Instruct them that they can also pass on (give away) this number to their friends. This is an effective promotion method.

For our part, we undertake not to offer cooperation in the Affiliate Program to your clients. And if such an offer comes from them, we will immediately inform you and bring the issue up for discussion.

Partners are not allowed

Order books, audio, video using their bonus and discount card number.

Use prohibited sites and sites that violate current legislation for advertising.

Place contextual or media advertising about your card number in any search engines without the consent of books320.

Force clients by performing forced redirection to any resource with information about your card number.

Create, place, send advertising information about the bonus and discount card using spam (see "What is spam").

Facts of violation of these rules are monitored, the violator is warned, and if violations are repeated, the partner is removed from the Affiliate programs.

If you have any questions.

If you have any questions about the affiliate program, or you want to offer cooperation on your terms, write to, we will discuss everything.

Join our affiliate program. Knowledge of languages ​​by the younger generation is one of the keys to their high education and demand in the labor market, which is rapidly globalizing.
Remember that by providing your card number, you help a person financially not only at the time of purchasing books, you help provide for his and his family's future. ® 2017-2024
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